​Horse Wellness Services
1st Session = $120
Follow Up Sessions = Dependent on length of time from previous session
Out of Town
1st Session = $120
Follow Up Sessions = $100
A massage session starts with balancing out out the horse's body with light touch and movements. This releases the tension and restriction of the horses muscles, fascia, meridian and organs. Releasing these restrictions allows the skeleton to reset back to normal function.
After the first session when the horses body has started to hold more balance I can then incorporate work on the cranium, which includes the skull, cerebral spinal fluid.
The 1st session will usually take longer, approximately 1 1/4 hour since it is the first time I am working with the horse. The following sessions will usually only last 1 hour.
You don't have to worry about trying to remember everything I say during the session as after each session I will write up the report of what came up during the session. I will also include recommendations for stretches, releasing trapped emotions and clearing any internal blockages.
Exercise Program Devlopment
Out of Town
I have now started to offer customized exercise programs for your horse. It can be hard sometimes to know what exercises are helping your horse, how long or how many reps of each exercise to do. I am here to help take the guess work out of that. This program will be customized to your horse and their needs such as: getting back into riding fitness, when you can't ride in the winter, developing connection, rehab from injuries, etc. I will be available to do this over the internet or in person (depending on location); I will be doing regular check ins to help track progress and assess what is working and what could be changed. We will also set it up based around what your schedule is and what amenities that you have access to.
Saddle Fit Assessment
Out of Town
Another service I offer is assessment of your horse's saddle fit. Having an ill fitting saddle can affect movement of the scapula or put pressure on the lumbars. Something as small as the saddle being slightly too long for the horse's back can result in soft tissue damage and vertebrae misalignment. These sessions last approximately 1/2 hour.
Sheath Cleaning
Out of Town
This session is does not take long and will leave your horse feeling comfortable and clean. All male horses will develop a build up of dirt within this area, some more quickly than others. It will take approximately 1/2 hour.